Thursday, November 1, 2012

computers, art, and spirtuality

the secret to Computer Intelligence
the cycles
become cyclers

the secret to Human Enlightenment
the cyclers
become cycles

This seems to summarize my own inner conundrum. My current path (like the breath machine and Marina Abramovic inspired work) feels more Truth. But I am seduced by cool things like computer vision and blob detection. And using that to make virtual 3D worlds. Society would award me for the latter, and the former is mostly head scratching. The third path is more like the poem itself, exploring models. To see humans and computers, and our world and virtual worlds, along a continuum. We humans, and this material world, is simply a layer above or ahead of the virtual. But this too in a way feels like Maya. We are stuck in an infinite loop, samsara/repeating thought patterns. Should I spend my time creating distractions and mind games - or break free?


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