The Causal Level of Reality
On a theory level, I am aiming to create art based on a new, but robust model of reality using an adaptation Jung's model of four underlying universal structures conjoined with the four levels of reality. The melding of the so-called Gross and Subtle realities with Jung's two masculine structures (dynamic masculine and static masculine) has been going quite well in my writing - but the Causal (as it is by definition mysterious), is proving more of a challenge to link to dynamic feminine.
For those unfamiliar, this is what Sri Aurobindo wrote about the gross and the subtle:
By the gross physical is meant the earthly and bodily physical - as experienced by the outward sense-mind and senses. But that is not the whole of Matter. There is a subtle physical also with a subtler consciousness in it which can, for instance, go to a distance from the body and yet feel and be aware of things in a not merely mental or vital way.In this I equate Jung's Dynamic Masculine (DM) to the gross physical (or Earth Element), and the Static Masculine (SM) to how the masculine mind approaches (And aims to control/understand) the subtle.
...the subtle physical has a freedom, plasticity, intensity, power, colour, wide and manifold play (there are thousands of things there that are not here) of which, as yet, we have no possibility on earth.
— Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, part 1, section v
English author and occultist Aleister Crowley's used rigid discipline, including rituals and the "assumption of god-forms", but seems to have been coming from a desire to control and enhance the individual - thus masculine according to Jung's model:
One passes through the veil of the exterior world ... one creates a subtle body .... it gains new powers as one progresses, usually by means of what is called "initiation:" finally, one carries on almost one's whole life in this Body of Light, and achieves in its own way the mastery of the Universe.
For my writing I also am aiming to shift from Jung's terms which are confusing to
DM = force
SM = structure
DF = play/innovation
SF = ____________
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