Research on how to get highest clicks on Facebook and Twitter!
... the highest clickthrough rates (CTR) are tweets:
1) 120-130 characters long
2) with links found at halfway point
3) not sent more than one link per hour
4) have the words: "via" "@" "RT" "please" and "check" .. the best is "daily is out" (from
5) with adverbs and verbs are best
6) sent on Friday, Saturday and Sunday had higher CTRs.
and, unlike Facebook which is better in the morning, CTRs are higher for tweets posted in the afternoon
What days of the week are best to post on Facebook?
Saturday is best, then Sunday.
What time?
Morning is the best time to post. Articles posted at 8am are shared most often.
What word has most sharing on Facebook?
The word that will lead to the most sharing is "Facebook", followed by "Why", "most", "World" "how" and "health".
What word is shared the least?
"vs", "apps" and "review"
Posting every other day will lead to the most sharing of your posts. More than that and it's too much, less than that and you're forgotten. Of course it depends on the quality of your posts!
Asking for retweeting actually increases retweeting. ("please retweet" = 51%, Please RT =39%, neither is only 12%!).
Before I share the secrets to increase your Twitter reposting ... be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel to get more videos like this one:
and this one
Tweets about twitter itself are retweeted very often. If you want followers, identify yourself as Official, Founder, Speaker, and then in 4th place... Expert. Twitter accounts that use the word “guru” tend to have 100 more followers than the average Twitter account. But "guru" is in 5th place.
The more negative you are, the less followers you tend to have. Sadness, aggression, negative emotions and feelings, and morbid comments.
Labels: community, expert, facebook, founder, marketing, official, paradox, paradox-tv, social media, tweet, twitter