Friday, September 21, 2012

I have just completed the second week of classes here.

In a presentation I proposed that I may wish to have my thesis project, or one of my projects while here, be to create a plan for an Interactive Art Department.

The Ouroboros  represents self-reflexivity or cycles
In that I'd be creating this imagined department of Interactive while enrolled in an actual Interactive department, it can be thought of as a form of mitosis (when a cell splits into two). This would not be the same as cloning, as I'd be making alterations.  From there I spoke about adaptations and how if an artist adapts himself to the common modes, and economic opportunities is he/she being cowardly or simply behaving in a Darwinian fashion (to survive and reproduce). Is the role of an artist to be creating new forms and even inventing new economic models for being an artist?

In other words, is the artist best thought of as a mutant?

In planning a department, I'd be able to create a path for what I feel interactive art can be (right now it feels mostly like science experiments).

In society, and certainly in the world of art, there is a tension between "doing things the accepted way" vs. "risking innovation"

In Darwinian natural natural selection, such risks are undertaken mindlessly and the rewards, while they may come with an experience of pleasure, are that you pass on your DNA. Thus that behavior or trait is selected. In my case, the choice of a thesis - and what to study - seems to be my own free will and thus the risks and rewards can weigh heavily.

If it is free will, does it still make sense to ask, why is this appealing? Something, or No-thing, put the idea in my head - but where did it come from? Why did I think this would be a good idea? Why am I drawn to this idea of having my project in Interactive Art School be to design an Interactive Art School?

I ahve three theories, one I like to play about with the "snake eating it's own tail". Certainly I personally spend a great amount of time in self-reflexivity - but I hypothesize that the Universe itself is an experiment in self-reflection and cyclicality.

Of course I also have to admit that I am drawn to the outsider role - as a former Anthropology student the idea of studying a thing from both the inside and outside is appealing.  I also have spent my life wondering, "What's next?" - not just for me but for the world. In planning a program, that ideally I'd be able to create, I would be focused on the "What's next?" - and of course Interactive Media itself is all about what is recently possible. 

If I can trace the appeal, does that negate free will? If I choose not to do this project of planning an Interactive media department, wouldn't that also come from alternative rationalizations? For example, the desire to be more in the moment and not think about what comes after I graduate.

Perhaps my mind battles it out, makes a choice, and then I live that choice pretending that I was the one who chose it!

Where do thoughts come from???????

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

class discussion Documenta(13)

Group Discussion of Documenta(13)                        19 September 2012

[note that quotes are approximated, feel free to comment if misquoted. I left it anonymous as this is a public blog]

We began by speaking of the experience of being under siege (this was one of the four organizing principles used by the curator). With so much work at Documenta, many felt it was an overwhelming experience. I myself, feeling that I lacked appreciation, felt alienation, yet when I left for an hour, I found that Kassel, the city containing the show, was unaware or didn’t care – thus we make our own jail cell bars. We besiege ourselves.

Some, faced with the impossibility to seeing all the art, took their time, but then - at the end – suddenly started rushing. The waiting line, especially for Kentridge, was a theme connected to being under siege – though we as audience were trying to get in rather than out.

Siege exists in artists lives here, not like it does in Kabul, Aphganistan, but in Europe due to increasing austerity, find the environment has changes. Now art has a greater need to justify itself in order to get funding. This leads to more intensity of questions of, “What is art?” and “Why are you doing this?”

I wonder if this is a good thing?

In an attempt to find peace, decrease the feeling of siege and find meaning, many read the wall text. Due to my tradition as a filmmaker (and others as graphic designers), we’re trained that the work should stand alone so I often didn’t. Further, this allowed for personal interpretation. Now I realize from the discussion to appreciate it, or to add a dimension, you may need the text (the sound composition in train station more apt to be appreciated if you know it was written in concentration camp, likewise the apples). As one attendee said, “The key was to see the process the artist was working through.”

One of us asked, “How can we communicate without words,” after all it seemed that  Tino seghal didn’t need it. Another, a slow reader, felt pressure to read and felt the show was too text heavy.


We then moved to discuss the theme of Performance – Cardiff a prime example as the work directed the audience as a director would instruct an actor. Similarly, Tino Seghal, you become part of the performance. But what does it mean to be in a performance?

It was suggested that when there is a clear division of you, from what you are observing, you are not in performance. Whereas, when you are taking up space inside the piece, that seems to be more of a performer. The question arose, “Do you need to make audience aware ahead of time that they will be cast as a performer? How much can you ask them to perform even if you have gotten permission?”

Key to the discussion of performance is the word intention:

One of us said, “If someone puts a frame around me, does it make me automatically a performer?” Another asked, “If you put a dog on stage, is he a performer?” And then, “What if you are a performer but don’t know you are… are you a performer?”

I asked, “What is role of status as a performer?” After all, when you realize you are on stage, the main question for me would be, “Are you empowered or disempowered?”

With Cardiff one person asked while in the experience, “Am I performer?”

Whereas in Tino Seghal one person felt they were not a performer, but another said in relation Seghal, “I was a performer but I stayed too long and saw the mechanism. Then the joy of being carried into the performance and joy of disorientation was lost. At first I was a participant, but when the mystery lost so was joy.”

This led to the question, “Is being a spectator really passive?” (later we showed a YouTube video of the Bayeux Tapestry being animated and someone shouted out, “now this is truly passive!” – for no longer did you need to imagine the action, the animation acted it out – and controlled how much time you look at each section as it panned across at a steady pace).

I said, “For me, it’s about the expectations and the status”. When on stage, others expect you to do or be something, but in the passive role – as a detached spectator - you have no expectations, more control, and perhaps less mystery/spontaneity. If the recognition that I am on stage leads to my greater joy, ease, or status I am fine – but if it’s after a hectic day in the office, or makes me uncomfortable, then I resent those who pushed me (or asked me) to be on stage.

Someone asked, “What is the responsibility when an artist takes the stage?”

Was Documenta(13) useful for Kabul just by increasing awareness? The video teaching stone carving at the spot where the Buddha statues destroyed, showed a greater contribution, but is that art? Would it inspire and thus qualifies? Is it art, simply because it was included in Documenta?

Art was defined by one of us as, “a way to communicate a feeling.” This is to say that art doesn’t need to have an intention in its creation.

One of us spoke of the example exhibition about the river basin which seemed to be very didactic. It was information you could read in National Geographic, and it’d reach more people so if the artist wants to create change, why show it at Documenta?

Then we took a break and then when we came back, one of us suggested that the theme may have been artificial, or too much of a “Catch all”. The 4 part organizing theme decentralizes the question, “What can be an artwork?” then if the terms of the answer are so broad, the question becomes devaluated. An artist who stops making art, is taking a retreat.

For me, I liked the structure (having a left-brained Apollonian preference), even though this four part structure pretty muich allows for everything and excludes nothing. But I see the contrary position - if the theme is so wide, it is meaningless. Nevertheless, I found comfort from them, and a place from which to discuss the art… Even though others would have served just as well, or perhaps better.

But one of us asked, “What if the theme, rather than the four questions of retreat, performance, hope, and siege - were chair, street, computer and eye?” wouldn’t that have done the same thing which is basically nothing? “These guidelines don’t provide any guidance,” he added and suggested that we need either need less or more interference from the curator – this middle ground is useless. He mentioned the curator who bound a show with the theme “red” – and thus it was able to be about the work itself. As red is just a color it doesn’t interfere with meaning. Of course, does a work really ever stand alone? “Your experience is affected by the work placed beside it,” suggested one of us.

Others suggested the theme of context, or place, or how we relate to each other would be more accurate themes of the work we saw at Documenta (13). Margo asked, “Do you want to know how the curator made the selection?”

We talked about my dislike of The End of Summer by Epaminonda & Cramer, but Summer loved it. I posed that perhaps it’s a masculine/feminine expectation as well as perhaps my (for better or worse) 13-year-old boy aesthetic.

In that exhibit, I felt that the room that featured a partially blocked table was intentionally creating tension to be cute – but when I was confronted by something similar in the science museum with a “do not touch” sign, I liked this same tension. This is because, as it was not intending to be that way (not be cute or manipulate by design), I was able to appreciate the tension of encountering a shape or handle that invited me to use it – and then a sign from an external authority – telling me that I could not.


The Aldof letter. He wrote apologizing for not being too busy to be part of Documenta(13) and this five page letter itself became a prominent work in the show. The irony is that he spent so much time to honestly spoke about how you have to live up to expectations.

By including it, it was about what art is. It was made by an artist who didn’t attend his work to be presented as art. But was it art? It was displayed like art history, so perhaps not. Perhaps it wasn’t an artwork, but rather a staging.

Personally, for me, if it’s in a show, it’s art.  :-)


One said there was a lot of hope at Documenta(13). Aldof’s letter showed humanity. “I would like to be useful in my work. Even if I do a small thing.” Maybe art serves to ignite rather than solve. “War makes a statement, but so does art.”

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Digression, Evolution, Adaptation

Last night i watched "Adaptation" a film written by Charlie Kaufman. Kaufman has a distinctive, surreal, introspective style and it was clear by accepting the assignment to adapt "The Orchid Thief" he was trying to strike new ground. He resisted his old style, and the standard style as put forth by Robert McKee the world's leading screenwriting teacher... this left him stuck. For the final act he did the standard McKee / Hollywood chase scene and character transformation and while this did tie up the film, i recall in 2003 when i saw it feeling disappointed. Last night, maybe as I'd already seen the film so had lower expectations, or as i am dealing with similar challenges, I was more forgiving.

For me, the transition from film to interactive poses a great challenge. In film you can control what the user sees, and when they see it. With interactive you give all that up, give the user control, and then somehow (in my case) also want to create an emotional journey. the video game metaphor is the most apt, but as Kaufman looks down on H-wood, I look down on V-game. Maybe I can soften in this. Or maybe there is another paradigm. Certainly theater is a way out - and the 1960's happenings, and Marina Abramovic ( are inspirations.

At the same time, I want a work that is very portable ( I dont' have funds to transport a cast, crew and set to various cities in Europe), and to solve a problem - i mean that like alchemy or ritual.
Interactive art is the ideal medium for examination of the evolution of human consciousness as we see this primordial attempt at reconciliation between archetypal forces reflected in the evolution of computers. Alan Turing, seen by many as the father of computer science and artificial intelligence, was working to decipher the German codes during WWII. In other words, DM/Force responds via SM/structure. Then with the playfulness of the 1960’s, personal computers and video games are developed and computing is now often used in service of art, exploration, and play. 

but i digress?
I am interested in digression.

Kaufman does it often, but with a good editor and music - in cinema it works - works better than any other medium in showing the chaos of the mind.... interactive art has this potential as well, but as the chaos is not scripted, as the digressions are uncontrolled, maybe it's too good! In other words, in film the writer/director/editor can have that chaos climax and denouement, but in the hands of the audience it can just ramble forever. this is less gratifiying. But maybe more true

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Causal Level of Reality

On a theory level, I am aiming to create art based on a new, but robust model of reality using an adaptation Jung's model of four underlying universal structures conjoined with the four levels of reality. The melding of the so-called Gross and Subtle realities with Jung's two masculine structures (dynamic masculine and static masculine) has been going quite well in my writing - but the Causal (as it is by definition mysterious), is proving more of a challenge to link to dynamic feminine.

For those unfamiliar, this is what Sri Aurobindo wrote about the gross and the subtle:
By the gross physical is meant the earthly and bodily physical - as experienced by the outward sense-mind and senses. But that is not the whole of Matter. There is a subtle physical also with a subtler consciousness in it which can, for instance, go to a distance from the body and yet feel and be aware of things in a not merely mental or vital way.

...the subtle physical has a freedom, plasticity, intensity, power, colour, wide and manifold play (there are thousands of things there that are not here) of which, as yet, we have no possibility on earth.
Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, part 1, section v
In this I equate Jung's Dynamic Masculine (DM) to the gross physical (or Earth Element), and the Static Masculine (SM) to how the masculine mind approaches (And aims to control/understand) the subtle.

English author and occultist Aleister Crowley's used rigid discipline, including rituals and the "assumption of god-forms", but seems to have been coming from a desire to control and enhance the individual - thus masculine according to Jung's model:
One passes through the veil of the exterior world ... one creates a subtle body .... it gains new powers as one progresses, usually by means of what is called "initiation:" finally, one carries on almost one's whole life in this Body of Light, and achieves in its own way the mastery of the Universe.
Aleister Crowley, Magick Without Tears

This is why, even if it seems complicated, it’s essential for the artist or the ecology-minded activist, to notice if they are using their actions to bend the world to their view, or allow themselves to be bent (used) by the world. Note by “the world,’ we don’t mean society, but “the world” as in nature, the universe, and if you prefer, the divine. This is more of the spiritual approach, but includes the admission that our mind might be inventing a position on behalf of the world or nature. In other words, Nature may not be aware of, in favor or, or have a position against pollution. So we may fancy ourselves as her protector, but she didn’t ask for it and is simply the passive allowing where all events arise without judgment. If looked at from within the masculine, this may see this as non-conscious or non-caring universe, while those who look from the feminine, see it as boundless unconditional love. Both positions might be paradoxically correct.

For my writing I also am aiming to shift from Jung's terms which are confusing to

DM = force
SM = structure
DF = play/innovation
SF = ____________

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

first blog from Frank Mohr "Choosing a Signature Work"

This is my first blog entry for Frank Mohr IME

This video describes my thinking today. My opinions can change tomorrow. It could be my signature work as it was made today, and I want my work to relate my latest thinking, but for a signature work.. well...  I would want to be more eloquent, and have higher production value ... but I want to set a tone for myself of spontaneity and non-censorship. Yet, it's not representative of where I am heading... In the months to come I hope this blog will be a place to start sharing my interactive work, the work of others - and "how to" - the idea of open source is central to interactive art.

Selecting a signature work  is a challenge as I am not sure which criteria I prefer to use. If I were to ask what is the most popular, then my signature work would be my YouTube videos (750,000 views to date), but that doesn't seem valid as it's more of an archive than a single work.

I could choose one of my feature films perhaps, or one of my experimental art films, but none are interactive art which is where I am heading and thus not the best choice perhaps.

Along those lines, another way to declare my signature work could be my forming a time bank ( or starting The Green Bus Tour ( - both in New York City - while neither is art exactly in my view or intent at the time - both were aiming to raise consciousness and affect large scale behavioral change - which is the goal of my art now.

Two short films I have online are not my best examples, so not signature work but each has elements of what I am hoping to do. This is a trailer my DP made of a film that examined the idea of the Internet being self aware and later I had a psychoanalyst do a voice over instructing her to be critical of me ( and this one was a fictional reality show ( but mapped my return from a ten day silent retreat and my attempts to convey the experience helped dissolve its positive effects.

This is a picture I took upon dropping a bowl and rotating the shards - so in that it is spontaneous and created in the moment, perhaps this will be my placeholder signature work:

Broken Bowl Turned into Art Spontaneously